Step 3 - Bridge in

This pages gives a quick overview of how you can bridge test Bitcoin to the Botanix EVM.

Our testnet is using Signet BTC. This means that testnet BTC is not working and will be lost if sent to a Botanix generated address.

This quickstart is for users who want to "deposit" Signet BTC from a Bitcoin wallet to the Botanix EVM, using Botanix Lab's bridge. If you already have Signet BTC in a wallet, you can skip to Step 2.

This page describes the whole process step by step with as much detail as possible. If you feel stuck in any of the steps, don't hesitate to contact us through our Discord and we will be happy to help you complete the process. Here is a schematic showing the two different ways on how to use our bridge.

Schematic showing two ways to use the Botanix Bridge
Schematic showing how to use the Botanix Labs Bridge (© @Rokuidesign)

The only prerequisite for this quickstart is to have Metamask installed. If you don't have one, check how to set up your wallet.

Step 1 - Set up Signet wallet

There are different wallets out there that can hold Signet. In this guide, we will describe how you can use Electrum or OKX wallet.

OKX Wallet

Visit to download the right version for your browser/machine and install it.

  1. Open app and crate a new wallet or import an existing one.

  2. Click an icon on the upper right corner.

  3. In the search bar start typing "Signet", BTC Signet will be displayed in the list below. Click it.

  4. Click add button.

  1. Click + to add sBTC

  2. Click on sBTC so see your Signet BTC address that starts with tb1.

Electrum wallet

Visit to download the right version for your machine.


After installing Electrum, you can simply run it using your terminal where you indicate that it needs to run in Signet mode. An example for MacOS is the following:

/Applications/ --signet


For Windows, you can run Electrum in Signet mode by creating a shortcut for the .exe file and adding --signet parameter. Apply changes. After that simply launch the application using this shortcut.

To run Electrum in Signet mode, you can also use Windows PowerShell. Simply go to the Electrum directory and start the .exe file with --signet parameter.

start electrum-4.5.2-portable.exe --signet

After signing into an existing wallet or creating a new one, a notification will appear confirming that the Electrum wallet is in testnet mode.

Step 2 - Get test BTC

There are several providers out there where you can get some test BTC. You can for example provide your Bitcoin wallet address to one of the following faucets and claim some test BTC:

It is also possible to send funds from a faucet directly to the Botanix EVM using the generated deposit address. For this option, follow the steps below.

Step 3 - Connect your MetaMask to the bridge

To bridge your funds to the Botanix EVM, visit our official Botanix Labs Bridge. If it is your first time connecting, your first action will be to connect your MetaMask to Botanix Testnet.

After clicking Add Botanix Testnet First, MetaMask will open up a notification which asks you to add our Botanix network. Click Approve and Switch network.

Step 4 - Show your deposit address

After connecting your MetaMask to the Botanix Testnet, you are now able to generate your deposit address. After clicking Show Deposit Address, your personal Bitcoin deposit address is generated based on your EVM address. (Interested in the technicalities behind this? Read more here!)

Step 5 - Send test BTC to the Botanix EVM

After signing, you will be shown your own personal Bitcoin deposit address which you can use to transfer test BTC. You can either scan the QR code or copy the address to make a transfer.

After copying the address you can send the test BTC from the wallet where you keep them. It is also possible to use this address straight from a Signet BTC faucet as for example the ones mentioned in Step 2 - Get test BTC.

The Ethereum address that we are showing is merely for your information. You do not have to do anything with this one but you can check that this is the same as the one of the MetaMask account that you connected to the Botanix testnet.

Step 6 - Fill out transaction ID

After sending the funds from your Bitcoin Signet wallet, wait for at least 2 confirmations (but maximum 10 confirmations), copy the transaction ID, paste it in the provided input field on our bridge page and click Verify

Electrum Wallet - Transaction ID and at least 1 confirmation

Waiting time

Before you fill out your transaction ID, make sure that the transaction has at least 2 confirmation and maximum 10 confirmations! You can find this information in your wallet or on where you search for your transaction ID.

Step 7 - Success!

You have now successfully bridged your funds to the Botanix EVM and in a matter of seconds, they will show up in your MetaMask. In the meantime, you can click the provided link and have a look at your transaction in our Blockscout block explorer.

Last updated