


The act of transferring bitcoin from the Bitcoin main chain to the Botanix EVM (bridge-in) or the other way around (bridge-out).

Decentralized application


A software application that runs on a distributed computing system, often a blockchain, rather than on a single centralized server. dApps operate autonomously, with code executed on a blockchain network that is maintained by multiple nodes, ensuring transparency, security, and resistance to censorship.

Ethereum Virtual Machine


A decentralized computing engine that executes smart contract code on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows for the creation and execution of decentralized applications (dApps) by interpreting and running bytecode in a secure and isolated environment.

Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures


A protocol that minimizes the number of rounds of communication between participants in Schnorr signature schemes, reducing network bandwidth, time, and probability of errors. It requires a maximum of three rounds for signing, even without a trusted signature aggregator or preprocessing stage. It can be used to implement 'n-of-m' threshold signatures represented by a single signature on the blockchain. This saves block space and increases privacy by making them indistinguishable from other, more common spend types.

Proof of Stake


A consensus mechanism used in blockchain networks where validators are chosen to create new blocks based on the amount of cryptocurrency they are willing to "stake" or lock up as collateral. It aims to achieve network security and consensus more energy-efficiently compared to Proof of Work (PoW).

Proof of Work


A consensus mechanism used by certain blockchains to secure the network and validate transactions. It requires participants (miners) to solve complex mathematical puzzles, which consume computational resources. Successfully solving the puzzle proves the work was done, allowing the miner to add a new block to the blockchain and receive a reward.


A series of successive multisigs between Botanix Orchestrators. The security is achieved through the decentralization of these multisig wallets. This series of successive multisigs effectively creates a network that safeguards the bitcoin of the Spiderchain EVM.

Spiderchain EVM

Name of the blockchain network

Unspent Transaction Output


It represents the amount of digital currency someone has left remaining after conducting transactions. In blockchain systems like Bitcoin, a UTXO serves as a token that can be spent as input in a new transaction, effectively acting as the blockchain's version of a coin or currency note.

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