Step 1 - Set up your wallet

Resetting Botanix Testnet in MetaMask

Were you one of the early adopters and tried the Botanix Testnet in the previous version? Make sure that you delete the Botanix Testnet in your wallet and that you add it again using our Bridge. If you don't do this, you might experience some issues.

Install an EVM wallet

The Botanix EVM is fully equivalent with Ethereum. Because of that, it works with all EVM wallets right out of the box, such as MetaMask. (If you're not familiar with the identity manager, wallet, and web3 passport that is MetaMask, get started here).

Wallets for testnet

Not all EVM wallets support testnets. For our testnet, we recommend the use of MetaMask or Rabby. Another option is to use Brave Wallet but make sure that Brave Wallet is set as your default wallet in that case.

Connect to the testnet

There are two different ways you can connect to the testnet.


If you want to automatically connect to the Botanix testnet, simply navigate to our Bridge and we will guide you through the process.


To add the Botanix Testnet manually to your wallet, use the following information:

Network Name: Botanix Testnet
Chain ID: 3636
Currency Symbol: BTC
Block Explorer URL: 

If you need some pointers on how to change your MetaMask to the Botanix testnet, follow MetaMask's instructions here.

All you need to interact with Botanix is to download MetaMask, which you can install as a browser extension or mobile app.

(Optional) Install bitcoin wallet

Compatible with Mutinynet

As we run our testnet on the Mutinynet version of signet, you will need a wallet that is compatible with the network.

These instructions have been made by one of our Botanist Ambassadors, CyrilS.

You don't really need a bitcoin wallet to try out our testnet but in case you would like to get the full experience, you can follow these guidelines to install a wallet that is compatible with Mutinynet.

  1. Install Leather wallet extension. You may import your mnemonic from another wallet or create new

  2. Click on the hamburger menu, choose "Change Network" and "Add a network"

  1. Name: Mutiny Bitcoin API: Signet Bitcoin API URL: Network key: 512102f7561d208dd9ae99bf497273e16f389bdbd6c4742ddb8e6b216e64fa2928ad8f51ae Name:

  1. Click "Receive" and copy segwit address (tb1q). You can now use this address to receive funds from the Mutinynet faucet or when you withdraw.

Last updated