Single Node (Testnet)
This version is deprecated
The version of our testnet with a single node, called V0, was live between November 2023 and July 2024. This version is no longer live and the provided documentation is merely intended for the specially interested reader.
The very first version of the Botanix EVM is our MVP (minimum viable product) of which the goal is to showcase the possibilities of having an EVM built on top of Bitcoin and being able to bridge funds from L1 to L2.
The Botanix EVM at this stage consists of:
A single Botanix block producer that assumes the responsibility of mining and producing blocks
A decentralized application (dApp) that serves as the front-end interface with mainly two functions:
Bridge: User interface that enables pegging in and pegging out of the Bitcoin Signet network to the Botanix Testnet
Faucet: User interface that enables getting some free Botanix testnet funds
Side Car Server which streamlines and simplifies the complex pegging procedure.
BTC Signer which is a solitary signer accessible via gRPC and has the following responsibilities
Administer a database of spendable Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) while dynamically updating this inventory upon the introduction of new peg ins and outs
Expose an endpoint facilitating the retrieval of its internal taproot key's public key
Shoulder the responsibility of executing all pegouts by orchestrating the construction of a bitcoin transaction, drawing from the available pool of UTXOs.
Last updated