Transaction fees

Transaction fees on the Spiderchain EVM are a little different from Bitcoin and resemble more the Ethereum network.

There are 3 primary actions when interacting with the Spiderchain EVM that can result in transaction fees.

  • Layer 2 transactions (i.e. transactions on the Spiderchain EVM itself)

  • Layer 1 to Layer 2 transactions (i.e. transactions from the main chain to Spiderchain EVM = bridge-in)

  • Layer 2 to Layer 1 transactions (i.e. transactions from Spiderchain EVM to the main chain = bridge-out)

Gas fees

Fees on the Spiderchain EVM are denominated in bitcoin. This also means that the staking rewards for the Spiderchain stakers, or Orchestrators, will receive their staking rewards in bitcoin.

The formula is the same as what you see on the Ethereum platform.

  • Fee = transaction.gasPrice * gasUsed

You should use eth_gasPrice to determine the appropriate gas price needed. Also, eth_estimateGas is used to find an appropriate gas limit.

  • Note that if the transaction.gasPrice is too low, your transaction will be rejected.

  • If you supply a transaction.gasLimit less than the value of eth_estimateGas, your transaction will be rejected.

Fees for Layer 1 to Layer 2 Transactions

When you create an L1 to L2 transaction (i.e. bridge-in), you only need to pay for the standard bitcoin transaction cost. The transaction costs depend on the current bitcoin mempool. The USD-denominated cost of the transaction depends on some specific factors, including the level of the current L1 congestion.

Fees for Layer 2 to Layer 1 Transactions

Layer 2 to Layer 1 transactions (i.e. bridge-out) tend to be a little more expensive than Layer 1 to Layer 2 transactions. It’s because you need to create a transaction on both L2 and L1 in this type of bridging.

Please consider the following details when you make a transaction from L2 to L1:

  • A Layer 2 transaction that initiates the burning on the Spiderchain EVM.

  • A Layer 1 transaction on bitcoin that returns the bitcoin to you.

The cost of the initialization transaction is determined in the same way as any other L2 transaction. The cost of the finalization transaction depends on the mempool and current L1 congestion level.

Last updated