Bridge-in & bridge-out

The currency used on the Spiderchain EVM blockchain is bitcoin. This means that every bitcoin from the Bitcoin main chain is worth equally much on the Spiderchain EVM. The total value locked in the Spiderchain (network of multisigs) equals the total amount of bitcoin present on the Spiderchain EVM.

Simply said, bridge-in means the process of transferring bitcoin from its main chain to the Spicerhcain EVM. This means that you will be able to use it with all kinds of decentralized applications which opens up a whole new world!

After the bridge-in process, the original funds remain secured in the SPiderchain (multisig chain between the different Orchestrator nodes). The Spiderchain EVM uses an account model (in comparison to Bitcoins UTXO model) and bitcoin can therefore move freely on the Spiderchain EVM.

Opposite, the bridge-out means the transferring of bitcoin from the Spiderchain EVM back to the Bitcoin main chain.

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